2024-08-12 Musing About The Stars
The Pillars of Life in the Eagle Nebulae
Sometimes I love to Muse. That’s not a person, that is an action, or inaction as it were. Some things I muse about have wonderful answers. Some have NO answers, no matter how long I muse. As a matter of fact, it gets my mind so jumbled up that smoke starts pouring out my ears as my mind goes on overload… well, it seems that way, anyway.
In the far distant reaches of Eternity, before anything made, was made. Far before the earth and the stars and the planets and the solar systems and the nebulae, the comets and the asteroids. Long BEFORE the words “Let There Be Light”, there was the Trinity, which would in the future be known as The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
I imagine at some point they drew up the plans and created a Home for themselves, a Royal Residence, a palatial, incredible, fantastical Wonderland that served as Home Base for them. From their workshop they created all kinds of things. We are so clueless here on earth, we think the creation of the animate and inanimate, the Carbon based and the non-carbon based items started here. In actuality they were first thought of and created in that far away Imperial Land we call in English, Heaven.
Everything had its birth in the Imperial Land. Everything here on Earth was duplicated from the ones there eons and eons and eons before there was an earth. Horses, Emus, Duck-billed platypuses, Beavers, Giraffes, Lions, Tigers, Bears and everything else had its origin there in that Imperial Land.
Our Instruction Manual says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This is not talking about the Imperial Land. The Hebrew word for “heavens” (Shamayim) AND the Greek word for “heavens” (Ouranos) mean the same: “sky”. So, everything we see in the sky from the perspective of the earth, God made. OK, but what “Beginning”? Whose “Beginning”? We know it is not God’s beginning, as He has NO beginning. So, it is safe to say the context is, this is talking about the beginning of the creation of the earth, as Moses proceeds to talk about the Days of Creation and what was created on the earth, and from the perspective of the earth, on each day of creation.
Earth was created with a copy of the things that were already created in the Imperial Land. Light. Air. Land. The Sun and Moon. Crops. Corn. Peaches. Peas. Carrots. Elm Trees. Redwoods. Maples. Dogwoods. Sunflowers. Bluebonnets. Cherry Trees, and so many more. Then he started copying the animals he made in the Imperial Land, and created an exact copy of them on Earth. Then He created “man” so he could give the animals an earthly name, and so that God could have an earthly son to play with, and share with him the creation He made. When he asked for a mate like all the animals have, God made one of those, too. He told Adam to love Eve, watch after her and take care of her.
Now, there is a curious sentence in verse 16. “He also made the stars.” I want you to realize the following is just my thoughts, kinda Pat’s Paraphrase. It is also like Moses wanted the people who were reading this, just in case there was any question, to understand Who made all those stars they gaze at during the night. It can be said what Moses wrote was kind of a parenthetical statement, setting it apart from what was actually created on that day … “Oh yeah, and God also made the stars.” As such, each star was not necessarily made on that day, as just like the earth, God had fun making each and every one of the stars and planets in the universe.
Sure, God could have made all the stars and planets and galaxies and nebulae and comets and asteroids just by speaking a word on that day. Yet, I think there was a bigger plan. Moses could have written:
“And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night, and all the little lights in the sky to sparkle like diamonds.”
But, he didn’t write it that way. Instead he wrote it in a way, kind of like an “afterthought”, kinda like, “Oh, and you see all those little points of light in the sky, He made those, as well.”
I could be all wet. The way it is written in our Instruction Manual there is really no way to know exactly what Moses meant. Tradition says the stars were made on that same day as the sun and moon. Yet, just think with me, a minute. Have you ever gone to Nasa.gov and looked at how incredibly beautiful and intricate each and every picture is? The Pleiades, Orion, The Great Neublae in the sword of Orion, The Eye of God Nebulae, a Protostar, Star Clusters, The Pinwheel Galaxy, and my favorite – The Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebulae, some 7000 Light Years away. A Light Year is the distance LIGHT travels in one year at 186,000 miles per second. The light we see from the Eagle Nebulae started out 7000 years ago, before this earth was formed by God. Betelgeuse from the Constellation ORION, is the 10th brightest star in the nighttime sky and is fairly close to earth, only 650 Light Years away. So, the light we see today, took off from Betelgeuse somewhere around 1350 AD, before Columbus found the Americas, or about the time William Wallace fought to liberate Scotland from the King of England. Sirius, or Canis Major – The Dog Star, is one of the brightest stars in the sky. It is actually a binary star, having two parts, and sits a measly 3,800 Light Years away. The light we see today, left Canis Major during the time of Isaac & Jacob. The furthest star astronomers have found so far is Earendel. The light from Earendel we see today, left it 12.9 BILLION years ago. They say the way the universe is expanding, Earendel is now 28 BILLION light years away. Long, Long, Long and even Longer before the Earth was created. Wrap your mind around that. God created space such that it NEVER ends. It is always expanding. We have yet to see a galaxy splatter itself against the wall at the end of the universe.
As Bible believing Christians, we believe the Earth was created in just 6 days, some 6000 years ago. There is plenty of evidence to back that up. Evolutionists will not admit that, but there is. We can talk about that later. Now, when God created the Earth, He could have easily sped up the light so that it could reach the earth for Adam and Eve to see the starlight, OR the Trinity could have been creating all the beauty of the Universe for Billions of years before Earth was created in its beginning. There is just too much thoughtful form and design that went into each heavenly body to think they were just all spoken into existence in ONE day. After all, God took SIX days just to create the Earth and Son and Moon. I kinda think the starlight was already there when Adam & Eve saw it, having been travelling, in many cases, hundreds of millions of years. I think Pat’s Paraphrase would see Moses saying, “Oh, and those little points of light you see at night, those are called Stars, and God has been making those for a long, long, long time.”
Now that we have been musing about that, how about this one. Where did God get His start?
He didn’t.
Well, wait. EVERYTHING HAS to have a beginning.
Not God. He has no beginning nor any end. He always has been, and always will be. He is the Alpha and the Omega. EVERYTHING has its beginning with God, yet God has NO beginning, and He will NEVER wear out, which would pronounce upon Him an end. He is, and always will be… and so we shall be!
Smoke is pouring out my ears!!!