2024-05-05 Why Do They Hate?

I am preparing to start my workday. Since Claudia is hard pressed to go outside in her mobile chair, I may decide to go out and prune some branches just before sunset, as it is much cooler at that time of day.


While I’m sitting here, I’m contemplating the wars and the leaders of wars over in the Middle East. Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Houthis, Palestine Liberation Organization. Do you see anything in common? They are all Muslim, and they all HATE Israel.


I do not include Israel in the mix of leaders of wars, as they would gladly live in peace with their neighbors if the Muslims would simply put down their weapons and quit attacking and killing Jews. In spite of what we hear on Main Stream Media in our respective countries, who quote the Hamas propaganda, the ONLY thing Israel wants is PEACE. Yet, they will NOT enter in to an agreement that will cost more Israeli lives.


It is hard to comprehend the HATE of the Muslims toward the Jews (I have a hard time calling them Palestinians, as there is no such country. Before 1948 and the modern establishment of the State of Israel, BOTH Arabs and Jews in that region were called “Palestinians”.). I remember the pointed and true statement of Golda Meir regarding the children of the Jews and Arabs,


“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”


Hamas, whom the people elected as leader of Gaza, has been given BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars, not only in cash, but also in building materials such as cement for their infrastructure. This was not only given to Gaza from the US, but also by countries from around the world. Instead of using it to build their homes and farms and factories and shopping centers and grocery stores and desalination plants in order to supply Gaza with water, and electric plants to provide Gaza with electricity, Hamas stole it to purchase weapons and rockets in order to kill Jews. They took the cement and iron to construct hundreds of miles of terror tunnels far underground in Gaza, from which to hide and to attack Israel.


The Hamas Terrorists would set up and fire rockets at Israel from the location of schools and hospitals and civilian neighborhoods, then quickly hunker down deep in those tunnels, far below the retaliation from Israel, while leaving the people of Gaza on the ground above to be human shields for them, who would be killed from the attacks of Israel. The hospitals and schools were used as places to store their weapons, and to have entrances to their terror tunnels. Why would they take such a horrible action, putting the Gazan children who attend schools and the civilians who need medical attention, in such grave danger? Because, Hamas thinks nothing of the killing of the children and people of Gaza. They have been interviewed saying such. All that matters is their cause. They knew Israel would not attack a hospital or school, as Israel deeply values the life of the innocent.


I sit here in disbelief of the ideology and thinking of Hamas who have shown their total and complete disregard for the children and people of Gaza. The world sits in stunning silence, when they should be loudly decrying such actions with a cessation of funds sent to Hamas in Gaza. We also need to understand the civilians of Gaza are not guiltless, as 80% of the people of Gaza voted for Hamas to be their leader, and they continue to approve of them, refusing to condemn the Genocide, rape, murder and slaughter of the Jewish people on October 7. It is also noted that Hamas has said they will do it again and again and again. There is NO remorse for their barbarity, against Israeli civilians, nor the civilians of Gaza.


Gaza could be a Paradise in the Middle East. The border fence could be torn down, as it was before the terror attacks against Jews started. Gaza could look like any major country in the world. Farms could once again produce many kinds of fruits and vegetables for the people of the world. Ranches could be built for cattle. Gazans would be employed receiving a good income, and have houses and streets and communities living in peace with their neighbors. Israel would gladly help them construct such a society, having their own water supply and electricity and food. Their desert would bloom with Israeli technology. Guns and rockets would be turned into plows and cash registers. Terror tunnels would be destroyed, and the cement and iron would be turned into schools where reading, writing and arithmetic are taught, along with love for their family, friends and neighbors. Major Medical Centers could be built and doctors educated from Israel and around the world would provide their citizens the best of medical care. Gaza could produce educators, scientists, farmers, ranchers, economists, doctors, dentists and leaders admired around the world.


Instead, they have chosen to continue their attacks, killing and slaughtering Jews. Choices have consequences, as the people of Gaza reap destruction from Israel, who has had ENOUGH of the rockets and attacks upon their Homeland ever since Hamas was voted to lead the people of Gaza in 2007. It’s amazing Israel has shown such restraint for the last 17 years of Hamas’ leadership in Gaza. Over the years, Rockets and terror attacks have rained down upon Israel from Hamas in Gaza. Who can blame Israel for finally having ENOUGH, especially after the slaughter of the peaceful Jews in their Kibbutz’s in the south on October 7, the worst attack on Jewish lives since the Holocaust.


I am utterly speechless as I watch the children of Gaza being taught in their schools how to chant hate and practice killing Jews, instead of how to build and farm and create and heal and lead and love. You would think the Muslims would have learned in the last 76 years since 1948. Muslims leaders have repeatedly sent their armies to kill and destroy the Jews, only to have their sons defeated and killed in shame and humiliation, by Israel. They watch as even their rockets are blown out of the air by the Iron Dome of Israel, protected by the Living God. What is that definition of INSANITY: continuing doing the same thing over and over and over having the same outcome, yet thinking that THIS TIME the outcome will be different.


Israel is not going anywhere. Yet, Hamas persists in provoking the Lion of Judah. NOW, we have the nations of the world turning against Israel in spite of the massacre and slaughter of October 7. You can be assured, even if the nations of the world would amass a 200 Million man army and march against Israel, Israel will NOT be defeated. The Book says Israel is not going anywhere. The nations of the world will be defeated by the God of Israel. You have the promise of the Words of God in Scripture.


I want to SCREAM, “STOP. REMEMBER. LEARN. Put down your weapons and learn to live in peace with God’s Chosen People. They want to live in peace with you. Stop sending your children to be killed. You will NOT drive the Jews into the sea. LEARN from your history.”


Yet, alas, that is not what the prophecies of God’s Words predict will happen. The Muslims, as well as the nations of the world, will NOT listen, and they will not learn, and they will be destroyed. AND, those who have sided with the Muslim nations, and provided money and support for their wars against Israel, will ultimately reap the same results.


Why must men HATE! It only leads to their destruction. It has for thousands of years, and it will continue, because they refuse to learn from history.


One day, soon, it will finally all be over. The haters of Jews and Christians, and the lovers of war and persecution will all be gone, and peace will reign throughout all the earth. Our Living God tells us so.


Pat Rutherford