A Word From Pat


I wish I could share with you all the notes we get here at PBNradio.com . Yes, the bulk of notes are from around the United States. Yet, we have gotten notes from little islands in the Atlantic & Pacific, and way up in the North Atlantic. We have also gotten notes from all the continents except for Antarctica. They are all thanking us for playing the Most Beautiful Music This Side of Heaven.

Everyone LOVES the Beautiful Worship Music on PBNradio.com.


This is the time of year when we say THANK YOU to all those who have supported our Mission this year in order to keep this Wonderful Worship Music On the Air 24 Hours a Day.

We are at the end of the year when some wish to send an extra offering to PBNradio.com instead of sending it to the government.

We have some debt ($9000) that really needs to be retired. It’s a waste of money to keep paying interest.

Your offerings are TAX EXEMPT here in the US, and appreciated from around the world.


You may donate on our Secure Website, or send your check to the address on our website (at the bottom of the page) under “Contact”.

Claudia and I are honored to be here for you 24 hours a day.


There really is NO other station On the Air like PBNradio.com .

Amanda Moring2 Comments