Just To Ponder For Awhile…

When I am studying my Instruction Manual (Bible – for those of you who have not heard my reference on “Praise Until Dawn” on PBNradio.com), I am a passage underliner in pencil (I use the eraser a LOT. Hard to do that in pen), note writer of thoughts in the margins that come to me as I am reading a verse, and a highlighter (in green) of passages which I particularly want to emphasize. I have pencil and highlighter all over the pages of my Instruction Manuals.

Today I was reading (and marking and highlighting) in John 14 of The Passion Translation (An EXCELLENT translation to be used alongside your regular Bible) and my computer to look up towns, countries, people and words on which I want more information. I started in Matthew and am making my way very slowly, highlighting, underlining and making notes in the margins. (“Study” is not a race.). I came across a statement in the Notes at the bottom of the page that really stood out to me. I know many of you already know this, yet it was worded in such a way that it stopped me in my tracks, and HOLY Spirit wanted me to grasp what He was saying.

Did you know we have TWO Saviors? Now, don’t get your feathers ruffled UNTIL you read what stopped me in my tracks. It is sooo true, and worth “pondering” (A good ole Texas term, which those of my friends in Texas will attest to. See, if you are NOT from Texas, you are missing soooo much!!!).

“As Jesus is the Savior from the “Guilt” of sin, the HOLY Spirit is the Savior Who saves us from the “Power” of sin by living through us in fullness.”

Ponder it for awhile...

The older I get, the sweeter it is...

Pat Rutherford